The list of research projects
is also available in PDF format

Halachic Research
- Solidarity Between All Jews as Halachic
- Organ Transplants and Life-Prolonging Procedures
– Fundamental Principles vis-à-vis Contemporary
- Conversion Policy in Present Circumstances
- The Status of International Law in Halacha
Public-Policy Research
- A Comprehensive Reassessment of the Torah
Community’s Policies towards Israel and the
Wider Jewish World
- The Formulation of an Israeli Constitution
– How to Achieve a Consensus
- Torah-True Responses to the Worldwide Assimilation
- Principles and Strategies for the Economic
Rehabilitation of the Torah Community in Israel
- A Torah Perspective on State Welfare in
- Torah Education in Present Circumstances:
What Needs to be Improved?
- The Torah Position Regarding a “Compulsory
Core Curriculum” in Israel’s Schools
- Possible Benefits of a Radical Decentralization
of the Israeli Educational System
- Fundamental Solutions to the Dangers of
the Internet
- The Feasibility of Partial Judicial and
Legislative Autonomy for Each of the Two Jewish
Communities in Israel: The Torah Community and
the Pluralistic Community
- Torah Guidelines for Dialogue Between Religious
and Nonreligious Jews in Israel and the Jewish
- Principles and Strategies
for Religious Peacemaking in the Middle East